Yoga Nidra Meditation
Helen has completed a 100 hour certification in Yoga Nidra meditation and has been teaching classes in Bayside since July 2018.
Yoga Nidra is a beautiful meditation practice which is known as psychic sleep. This practice allows a relaxed, fluid mind and higher state of being. It is the state of consciousness between waking and sleeping.
Yoga Nidra meditation classes are designed to completely let go of everyday life through a guided practice. A 45 minute practice is equivalent to 3-4 hours of restful sleep.
Yoga Nidra meditation is ‘yoga for the mind’.
There is no movement.
There is only rest.
To book your casual class, BOOK HERE
Classes are::
Thursdays 9.30am/7.30pm
Free Meditations
If you are looking to access free Yoga Nidra recordings, you will find me on Insight Timer
I currently have a two Yoga Nidra meditations available free on Spotify via my Podcast, ‘Staying in Your Own Lane’.