It’s time to listen to my body…..
Nothing like starting your first blog with vulnerability………
The last 2 years for me have probably been, no definitely been. the most challenging that I have ever experienced. As a family, we have been dealing with one of the hardest things I thought possible, addiction in a loved one. Without delving too deeply into this, as it isn’t my story to tell, I wanted to share how stress and trauma has affected my own body.
I have always known that if we don’t deal deeply with that which is going on in our lives, our body will always let us know when it isn’t coping. The problem is that when we don’t take the time to stop and listen to what we need on the deepest level, it will force us to stop and do the work required.
My whole life has been about holding space for those around me. Whether it is in my personal or work life. As a healer, that is exactly what I am here to do. I have always made sure that I make the time for me every single day. I have journaled and meditated every single day since my awakening in 2016. I have always made time to go away with girlfriends and have regular body treatments and healings with those that I consider the best at what they do.
About a month ago I started to have some pain, which I ignored, that seemed to be in my middle back, behind my rib cage on my right side. If you don’t know about energetics in the body, the right side is our masculine, the side of use that we show to the world. The side of us which is strong and independent. Funny that……
Then just over a week ago I had a rash appear just under my ribs. I had felt tired, disconnected from my body and just a bit blah. As I walked on the beach that morning, I connected in with my breath and my body, and I knew in that moment I had shingles. Doing the work I do, I know that shingles represent despair in the body, waiting for the other shoe to drop. For those that have ever supported a love one through addiction or any type of trauma, will know that these are all of those things we feel when we have no control over a situation that we are watching spin out of control. I realised in this moment that there is so much more work to do in the letting go.
So, in the listening to my body, I have realised that I need to allow more support than ever before. I have been to see my beautiful naturopath, and she has used muscle testing to put together the extra immune support needed. I took time away from seeing clients, cancelled my gym sessions and retreated to my sacred inner space which has allowed me to seek the guidance I need to get through this next part of my journey. I have always sought support from my beautiful spiritual team, but in doing this, have taken the next step, and made time to work with an amazing Intuitive Counsellor who has been supporting many of my clients over the past months. I have realised that I too need to find a safe space to be supported and allow someone else to hold space for me.
Whilst the last two years has been extraodinarily challenging, it has also taught me so much about detachment, surrender and unconditional love. I will continue to work through the challenges as they arrive, but will also make sure I take the time and space to hear the wisdom of my body.
What I know for sure is that if we don’t deal with our shit, our shit will deal with us. And no matter how much work we do, there is always so much more. It is in the uncomfortable that we have the most growth.
Helen x